Saturday, July 29, 2006

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Before the Senate there was none.

There were a few supporters who were floating in a sea of \u200b\u200btourists in Bermuda shorts.

Blogs and demonstrations do not get along.

But I hope that this is the year zero.

I hope that even approve of the pardon and consume this betrayal. So that the mask fall forever, and reality is revealed.

And I hope today starts a movement for the revival.

Because only from the ashes we can build a new morality and a new and fairer Italy.

soon, Cate.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Variable Annuity Sussie

union close the forum to allow no complaints! Nor FI

the blue sky had never come to that. We

We believe that in FI s ia more freedom and democracy?

It is certainly not a case, the server fails for the first time in 6 months.

Perhaps, when it suits melgar is that people do not choose, do not participate and does NOT govern.


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D Oman, Saturday, July 29 there will be a spontaneous demonstration of protest in Rome.

before the Senate appointment from 10:45 onwards ..

Rome is a beautiful city .. good to do some 'travel and show their disapproval .. what do you think?

There will be journalists .. politicians .. so many people ... in short, a beautiful Saturday morning than the usual ... a stone's throw from Piazza Navona ....

Let's just say that there is good, who is not is an accomplice of the pardon will not be allowed to complain then ..

and not lose here: map

Some groups promoters

Piero Ricca
the Meetup Beppe Grillo

Keeping Rattan Outside

Forum Di Pietro has exceeded the 2400 comments in a day.
Blog Dipietro

The news group is it.politica sobbuglio.
Group Policy

Grillo's blog explodes.
Blog Grillo

Virtually any political forum, including that of
Prodi is full of voters who feel betrayed and disappointed.

rumor that the unit is censoring online messages.

They share even the roundabouts:

But our politicians are slow ... their constituents are faster ...
blogs are ROCK!

the Comizzo There are no more, no more clubs, now there's the Web, and people who belong to it are informed .. but not only .. talk talk talk .. they say to the relatives and friends .. turn those ideas are becoming common and that sense that win or lose elections.

Or at least we hope so!

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Search addresses, phone numbers .. any forum What

internal union Forum: caro_romano.html

policy guidelines that count:

list of senators email:

Other suggestions:

When I Have Nightmares I Sweat

heinous crimes

- Mistreatment of animals kennel

Those illegal immigrants, those who starve puppies or animals for the blind
Gorge, or nailing chicks ground
to eat them and nothing else.

You know the ones who beat Affan and dogs to tear them
clendestine in fights? Yes, that ..

- Circumventing people unable

Those who care about the money the old ladies to ospizzi. You know the old
those who cheat and are payable to the house? It is precisely those

- Scam

Those who sell you a tube of iron as if it were gold, those who
open the site, buy things and then shoot .. those damn you
television .. do you remember? Yes, that ..

- Robbery / Extortion / Threats

These are the ones that will link the knife to the throat and ask you
the portfolio, and if you do not have money taken under duress.
But not strong men .. no! They do it to votre girlfriends / wives / mothers
and ruined my life for fear that they put off to ... It is precisely those

- burglary and theft by ripping / breaking and entering

Those who have stolen into the house, they ate in your fridge, and
then you also have to ca ... in bed .. Yes, that .. those
you broke the window, perhaps while you sleep!

- Theft

Those who have cheated the new car, the sacrifices,
that which you have not started paying it! .. It is precisely those
.. what they are going on with your motor ..

- Interception of communications or telecommunications

Those who have watched, they took your credit card number
and have emptied my account .. Yes, that ..

- violence or threat to commit a crime to coerce those who know

costirngono others to steal? Those who force the poor
with threats, or beating them? It is precisely those

- Seizure in person (excluding for purposes of extortion)

You know the ones that segregate a grandmother in one room? And do not make
go out? You know those nursing homes that bound them to bed?? It is precisely those

- wrongful

know pirates of the road? Those who will invest and then run away
? Yes, that .. those who do so much scandal ..

Togono 3 years of the sentence ... imagine .. Exeunt all

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Greens and pardon! The

There is none of the green? They make so much noise

for eco-mafia, for companies that poison, environmental
for scams ... for arsonists! Already

get one is a miracle .. they have got him ..
give him a pat on the shoulder and sent him back to poison our water.

Abuse of office
speculation on commodities
Mistreatment of animals
Removal or intentional or negligent failure to guard against accidents at work

poisoning water or food substances
Commerce or administration of medicines against the culpable failure
Crimes public health

all deleted .. no penalty.

Tomorrow speak for environmental protection:

arsonists and a short walk free ... mah ...

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is the Justice .. and here's the news:

print it, let it run, do you know ...

And if tomorrow Saturday 29, at 11 .. We went ALL HERE:, 12.47386 & spn = 0.024308,0.053902

WHO SAY?? With a better written

TREASON ... For those who can not


write here:

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Common Names Kerala F

To Understand

Informiamoci about what it means Remission