"Beware the Ides of March"
And 'This is the warning that the augur Spirinna addresses Gaius Julius Caesar , that day will still be urged not to go to the Senate by his wife
Calpurnia, who had had a premonition dream of what St. ava to happen. And "Beware the Ides of March" echoes after centuries in the historical drama of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare .
Once, in a completely informal discussion, we heard a well actions do not claim to be neither shared nor truthful, but that hit us.
The refined and cultured caller claimed that the ills of Italy had originated coll'uccisione of the above.
He argued that argument with the fact that the people of our beloved and despised nation has since been duped by a group of oligarchs, businessmen, who under the pretext of preventing a man to gain power, which probably would have exercised to make a clean sweep of the political rot to the benefit of lower classes who were never given the opportunity to express himself, he continued to plunder with impunity in the name of freedom.
do not know if it is, but, referring to other analysis of the above, we are still saying the Italian people, according to Calpurnia Spirinna & : "Look the Ides of March "(though this year is the case of beware of the Ides of April & their postridie !)
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