IRPEF Even if you save you can not say the same of the land, and all those measures which were introduced from the succession to the ticket, health .. pay more, maybe a little but pay more. Let's say you take
ONLY € 100 plus, ok .. not much, just 100 €.
At this point, however, triggered the second issue, that maybe not release earlier today: WHERE spend this money, my money.
If they spend on DTT and refrigerators financiers will gain the retail electronics.
And I is not well.
And I do not even pay all is well here in Lebanon military nice to Dalem.
I is not feeling well or that any public servant is doing nothing to warm the chair.
or are given money to the cinema to keep the lovers ..
Do you realize?? There are scandals that do servizzi TV! E 'known! And this is just an example. And instead of solving
ask me another 100 euro ?? But vaffa .....
E 'that people who work and earn their money there is little, otherwise there would be many more angry, and would go waste.
We hope that people start to see WHERE the money is spent and NOT ONLY those who take in more taxes! Because that is the problem ... Where are spent.
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