A student who paid to enter medicine in Bari, interviewed by Republic says he's not sorry, because this is the land of sly
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How blame him? Given what is happening at Bari University, extensively documented by Striscia la notizia:
watch video strip
But of course after the news strip nothing happened, no one moves and we always win Furby . Mussi was perhaps too busy with the democratic parties with red things, with the large left and high social amenities to make some serious reform of the university.
And to think that if he did something, maybe it would be was also credible and would have earned respect and consensus. Instead he and the others are sitting, waiting to be replaced, without doing anything, without taking any decision, leaving the wreckage.
Yes, but now those kids will be investigated and punished!?!
Too bad that in Calabria and Puglia missing prosecutors, court presidents, administrative staff ... And considering a lot to do with organized crime who do not think I can devote time and resources to 30 kids.
But what about smart: Many of the boys are the sons of dentists, the very people accused of systematically evade taxes ..
THEREFORE, the Minister of Justice is the spokesperson for the pasta:
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