Bibliotest At the risk of giving the same answers to the nearest blog, I pick up the chain and I must confess.
How to choose books to read? You get influenced by the reviews?
reviews from "professional" rarely. I trust the opinion of a few friends of paper. Most of them I find meddlers in libraries (real and virtual).
Where to buy the books in the library or online?
(where to buy, he said) In the library, almost always the same. Online a few times, but it 's been an ordeal .
waiting until you finish reading a book before buying another or you have an escort?
in a house I have accumulated 50 books. I have 10 beds, the rest I have entrusted to digital. I would say that, yes, I have the syndrome of the squirrel.
Usually when you read?
When traveling, even in 5 minutes by bus, on the sofa with you, 'the five, but especially before falling asleep (sleep and end up a little)
you do influence the number pages when you buy a book?
short books annoy me even when they are good books (Addressee unknown, and 'born a star ,...)
favorite genre?
Everything but the essays and autobiographies. I have to imagine a scenario that does not exist, I should be good classic novels, thrillers, classics and yellows, the swashbuckling, some kind of fantasy, the noir, historical novels: they are omnivorous.
favorite author?
The 'most' favorite "Jonathan Coe. If I had been asked 15 years ago I would have said Hermann Hesse.
When did your passion for reading?
I do not remember, I would say just before skipping school for the first time to discover what happened to so particular to Gordon Pym ...
Pay your books?
Yes, the chosen few. And threatens them before, during and after.
Read a book you can read at a time or several at once?
If the book I really like, I am going to do in its entirety. Otherwise at least three.
Your friends \\ family read?
My father very much. My mother law, and 'in the media. Last month I discovered that my brother has six books in the middle of a real encyclopedia of computer science: I was moved. A few friends, but good reading.
How long on average to read a book?
Depends on the book, some needed more 'time (and pause). On average, 5 days.
When you see someone reading (eg in public transport) peek at the book's title?
quick look and, if I can not see the cover, I ask. I do not you never want next to you.
If all the books in the world should be destroyed and could only save one, what would it be?
save those which, by indipendetemente content, are bound more 'Memories: Italian Folktales by Italo Calvino. But not any volume, mine, and worn out of layout.
Why do you like reading?
... it 's like asking a junkie' cause is drugs. For the "journey".
Read books on loan or only books you own?
Loans, found, bought, it makes no difference.
Which book would you never managed to finish?
The most 'recent' The Viceroy '"De Roberto and" The time traveler's wife "(I read the crap nonsense but this book goes beyond the limits).
Have you ever bought books just for the cover? What strikes you the covers?
Yes, indeed. Strikes me most 'covers with a design, a detail of a painting, symmetries or colored (see the old Penguin). And the beautiful cloth-bound books (again, see Penguin)
There is a publishing house that you love and especially why?
The Penguin 'cause it covers fantastic (but should be?). Then Feltrinelli, Einaudi, and the Adelphi subject.
bring books or wherever you keep them safe at home?
Haha, funny ...
What is the book that you gave and that you enjoy more?
"Sand Creature" by Tahar Ben Jelloun . It 's not just been a gift, say more' on loan then transformed into "communion of the good."
How do you choose a book to give away?
Li gift only to people you usually talk about books, so I choose a book that I 'liked but also go along with their tastes.
Your library is sorted by a particular criterion?
by gender.
When you read a book he notes, the laws or jump?
laws but always look to finish the chapter, or period.
Read any introductions, prefaces or afterwords jump?
Yes, the 5-minute bus ride :-)