's one of those days.
not those of advertising, no, but one of those days when the whole universe conspires against you.
Yet it is not that I wanted to do much, just book a plane ticket for that maritonzolo
must hurry back to Rome for family matters.
I go on the website of the airline, make my choice, compile the data and proceeding to payment. The infernal system makes me not even mention that I already warned that the credit card is blocked. Let's step back to see how long ago the conspiracy was in place: a month ago to block credit card using a generator Password connected to another card. Then I go to the bank to settle the matter. And I'm not there to insult the fact that despite the invalid password, the payment was made, however. I'm not likely to be indignant about that for me there could be any one Pincopallino with a stolen credit card. And not even the accused that because of them I found myself with a double purchase because I thought the first had not been successful. No, I'm relieved to hear the good and rassicurazionoe that everything is fine.
And in fact this morning I saw how things were in place. I call support and after 3 minutes of talk and different keys (I know the sadist who invented the system for call centers) I start waiting for someone to respond. But you see I have a system that accurately identifies why nag line is dropped on three occasions. In short, I finally managed to unlock the card. Pare. We will know only later.
Later, because in the meantime, the site of the airline did not understand what happened and you have to take 3 to 4 hours to refuse my request. It is not possible to make a new reservation before they clarify their ideas.
What else? Yes, here, there would be a small detail that i changed the tires are defective and ground yesterday. I have to hope that my neighbor systems before them or at the airport tomorrow morning we go by bike (there is a track path from there to Amsterdam, 'na walk of health).
And I'm locked in the house, literally locked in maritonzolo distracted from giving double throw and took away the only key. Mine, because his has disappeared with the rest of the luggage in Rome. Ah, yeah, I have told you? They broke the window and they took everything with which we traveled, including camera, and ebook readers.
I call a truce. Thanks.
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