If there are problems on the year already readily surmountable, ddirittura for the month and the day the company becomes pressochhé difficult to impossible.
Many scholars have attempted to answer Final questions to one of the most expensive in the history of all time: When Jesus was born really ?
Everyone knows that the current festival overlapped, to replace it altogether (like many other Christian holidays
!) At a party the previous Roman, pagan-style: the dies natalis Solis Invicti; and who if not the Christ, the Sun of Righteousness Novello, could be celebrated on this day, which already saw the birth of Sol Invictus, that others had not, in the Roman world, except that the Indo-Persian god, named Mitra and appealed to the Savior, born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, had died at 33 years and was resurrected after three days to give, with the mystery cults with which he was adored, the hope of new life to his followers? This cult, in fact (Mithraism) was the most competitive to Christianity, reaching fon
Dervisi syncretism.
this date (or at least this time of year, or that of the winter solstice, the sun quad, that is, seems to repeat the force that had gradually lost) is associated with a surprising (but then so when you consider that many are identified, in all religions, the sun, which is not won nothing, not even by death, is a source of hope for life!) the birth of various gods, and not only in contexts
geographical contiguity & had continuity with the Jewish world.

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For others, the date of the death of Christ (and therefore of

Following a thorough study on the sacred texts and comparative coll'osservazione of past astronomical events (comets, supernovae ,


The further confirmation of his hypothesis had to learn that the astronomical conditions that day were considered, by Julius Firmicus BREAST, a Roman rhetorician & astrologer, announcing the birth under the sign of the Israelites, a being immortal, divine & powerful.
is why today we wish to address our wishes, aware as we are, to commemorate 2014 years from now!

In closing: the Nativity by Giotto di Bondone prototype cometary hypothesis.
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