memory today is dedicated to an ancient English saint, not much revered d to our parties and not very well known to the layman, who in 2000 leaped to the headlines because it was designated as the patron of the Network by Pope John Paul II the Great .
This choice was addressed by the fact that he was a passionate supporter of the disclosure of information (the primary purpose of the Net!), As the author of 30 works well on the issues more diverse (the list is shown below) and, also, the fact that his most famous and substantial (over 20 books!) Etymologiae sive Origines, the first encyclopedia in the world, can be seen as the predecessor of modern databases.
Prayer suggested the navigator for Network contextum is:
so that through his intercession,
we can direct our hands and our eyes
only to what pleases God and deal with
charity and patience all those who meet the Net
through Christ our Lord.
Below: the substantial body of his works.
Opus | Quod manet | Not æ | |
De disciplinis | |||
| De natura rerum liber regem to Sisebutum | (Superest) | --- |
| Differentiæ | (superest) | --- |
| Differentiarum appendix | (superest) | --- |
| Originum books XX | (superest) | The 20 books work, which was completed and published by Braulio of Zaragoza, are divided by subject: Books I-III: arts of the trivium and the crossroads; Book IV: medicine; Books V-VIII: Court & religious life; Paper IX: ethnology (languages, kingdoms, armies, cities); Book X: explanation of some difficult words; Paper XI: anthropology; Book XII: zoology; Paper XIII: cosmology; Book XIV: geography; Paper XV: stones & metals; Book XVI: architecture; Paper XVII: agriculture; Book XVIII: war Book XIX: navigation Book XX: home economics. |
Epistula æ |
| | |
| Epistulæ | (superest) | --- |
Explanatoria | | | |
| Allegoriæ quædam Sacræ Scripturæ | (superest) | --- |
| In libros Veteris ac Novi Testamenti proœmia | (superest) | --- |
| In librum quartum Regum | (superest) | --- |
| Liber Numerorum qui in sanctis scripturis occurrunt | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in Deuteronomium | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in Esdram | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in Exodum | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in Genesin | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in Iosue | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in Leviticum | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in librum Iudicum | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in librum Maccabeorum | (superest) | --- |
| Quæstiones in Numeros | (superest) | --- |
Historica | | | |
| Chronica maiora | (superest) | --- |
| De viris illustribus | (superest) | --- |
| Dedicatio historiarum ad Sisenandum | (superest) | --- |
| Historia de regibus Gothorum Vandalorum et Suevorum | (superest) | --- |
Moralia | | | |
| De ecclesiasticis officiis libri II | (superest) | --- |
| De fide catholica contra Iudæos | (superest) | --- |
| De ortu et obitu patrum | (superest) | --- |
| Sententiarum libri III | (superest) | --- |
| Synonymorum libri II | (superest) | --- |
Varia | | | |
| Regula monachorum | (superest) | --- |
Subditiva | | | |
| De ordine creaturarum | (superest) | --- |
| veterinary De Novo et Quaestiones Testament | (superest) | --- |
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