Definitely annoying curiosity. Makes you do things you would not remotely conceived, and in return what you give? A certain loss of time. This would think any person with his head firmly on his shoulders, but a hunter legends like me knew that the stakes were very different. Despite the uncertainty of the first investigations, already felt the aroma of something that was worth telling.
think about this while on the phone waiting for confirmation of registry office Montù Beccaria, a tiny village where we had the opportunity to Ernesto Pasquali born in 1883.
"There is only limited data, sir ..."
"Martucci, Andrew Martucci."
"You see, we have first and last name of the parents, the e. .. his father's profession: doctor"
"Anything else?"
a slight grimace of disappointment, followed by the thought that it was still a beginning, though not very useful. Also providing a precise location family: very few people could afford higher education, at the time.
"Hi, Andrea Martucci, uh ... I'm a researcher at the University of Rome. ...- Called for and this time I was disturbing the National Library in Florence ... to ask if we could have a copy of Joseph Gallico's book entitled 'Turin yesterday', and specifically a particular chapter, the one Ernesto Maria Pasquali "
" Wait in line
I did not have time to prepare psychologically and it was too late, I was already hearing the jingle of 'waiting call.
My God, I wondered, but why they think these hateful electronic melodies should cheer the expectation of who is listening, rather than lead to unexplored worlds of paranoia, as it did for me?
When the agony was over , a voice told me how to get the scans that interested me via email.
In the days that followed I lived in symbiosis with my inbox mail. I checked before breakfast, and after washing the pot, brush my teeth before and after I tied her shoes before leaving the university and soon after returning home, before going to do my job exciting part- part-time and money, e. .. well, you get how it worked.
But on the fourth day the email arrived, and in it a few pages in the Annex, which reveals unequivocally that not only the biography of Easter had been wrongly neglected by all (except by the author of that chapter, his personal friend) but we were in the presence of an incredible sum of narrative elements explosives, meeting a life too short. It was time to rub his hands, and tasted in advance what the research would then confirmed on many other occasions: the hunter had found his legend.
think about this while on the phone waiting for confirmation of registry office Montù Beccaria, a tiny village where we had the opportunity to Ernesto Pasquali born in 1883.
"There is only limited data, sir ..."
"Martucci, Andrew Martucci."
"You see, we have first and last name of the parents, the e. .. his father's profession: doctor"
"Anything else?"
a slight grimace of disappointment, followed by the thought that it was still a beginning, though not very useful. Also providing a precise location family: very few people could afford higher education, at the time.
"Hi, Andrea Martucci, uh ... I'm a researcher at the University of Rome. ...- Called for and this time I was disturbing the National Library in Florence ... to ask if we could have a copy of Joseph Gallico's book entitled 'Turin yesterday', and specifically a particular chapter, the one Ernesto Maria Pasquali "
" Wait in line
I did not have time to prepare psychologically and it was too late, I was already hearing the jingle of 'waiting call.
My God, I wondered, but why they think these hateful electronic melodies should cheer the expectation of who is listening, rather than lead to unexplored worlds of paranoia, as it did for me?
When the agony was over , a voice told me how to get the scans that interested me via email.
In the days that followed I lived in symbiosis with my inbox mail. I checked before breakfast, and after washing the pot, brush my teeth before and after I tied her shoes before leaving the university and soon after returning home, before going to do my job exciting part- part-time and money, e. .. well, you get how it worked.
But on the fourth day the email arrived, and in it a few pages in the Annex, which reveals unequivocally that not only the biography of Easter had been wrongly neglected by all (except by the author of that chapter, his personal friend) but we were in the presence of an incredible sum of narrative elements explosives, meeting a life too short. It was time to rub his hands, and tasted in advance what the research would then confirmed on many other occasions: the hunter had found his legend.
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